Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Alright! There went 10 pounds!

Just 8 more to go if I'm gonna get my goal for this purification system!

I feel... clean. It's a nice feeling when you don't feel weighed down by heavy metals or infections... or parasites! Did I tell you it's gone!?! Holy crow I'm so excited! Probably had that sucker for 12+ years! AND IT'S GONE!

Take that Lupus!

I think since I'm "hopefully" ridding my self of extra steroids I will begin to drop this weight even when I'm not doing the cleanse!



  1. I didn't know about this blog until Andrew mentioned it on his blog. I'm so excited for you! Sounds like you're really working hard. Awesome!

  2. Go Staci! You GO GIRL! YOu are doing awesome!
